
5 things how PR can build your brand

A public relations strategy is the best way to convey the tale of your company. There is still a place and a need for effective public relations despite the advent and ongoing importance of digital and social media, which is a crucial component of many of today’s successful media efforts. Public relations can assist established companies expand their reach and reframe the goals and objectives of a new product or service. For new brands, public relations can be a crucial instrument for establishing an industry presence.

When done effectively, strong PR may aid a business in obtaining earned media placements that support building brand equity and sector equity. Importantly, this can and ought to boost sales and industry presence. A good tale is something that followers, customers, and potential investors want to hear, and the more compelling the story, the more likely it is to be published. Public relations is a powerful tool for establishing a brand, connecting with a target audience, and attracting additional funding. PR, when done well, can be quite profitable.

Some businesses decide to handle this internally, while others employ a public relations firm. Of course, you should think about whether your business is prepared to take this step before moving further with any agency. Are your brand’s story, message, and direction established? Do you understand what makes you stand out from the competition? These are only a few of the factors to take into account.

Great PR can assist a brand in achieving these five goals, whether it is done in-house or with an agency.

  • Establish a brand identity

Public relations can aid in generating brand identification and customer recognition since people tend to trust well-known brands. The creation of your company’s brand identity should be centred on its defining traits and distinctive selling propositions. It should try to pinpoint these three crucial queries: What kind of goods or services do you offer? What difference does it make? What makes the consumer interested?

The answers to these queries should help you identify your public relations strategy, your target audience profile, and the important media sources you should approach as part of your plan. This strategy will also aid in the development of your brand’s values and the positioning of your good or service within your industry.

  • Increase consumer interest

Public relations can be an important component of a plan that attracts customer interest. It increases awareness and, when used well, the tactic can lead customers to make a purchase. A public relations campaign helps to establish the narrative, generate discussion about the company, and aid in building a fan base, especially for new and rising brands.

In order to achieve earned media placements, brands can source and develop relationships with journalists. They can also use social media and digital marketing channels to reach out to customers directly. Both B2B and B2C organisations ought to consider creating content that positions their executives as esteemed authorities in their fields. To keep customers informed of the most recent corporate news, products, and trends, use a column on the company blog, executive bylines in trade periodicals for the industry, or video blogging on social media.

  • Grow consumer faith

Develop and grow meaningful consumer relationships with the aid of effective PR. Personalized PR is merely one tactic to draw in a potential customer because people frequently buy from firms they trust. It can be a priceless piece of PR to have a brand featured in a favourable media story or recommended by a reputable reporter or expert. This can promote brand equity by increasing recurring business and consumer trust while also increasing brand recognition and credibility.

As part of their communications strategy, B2B and B2C businesses should make a commitment to presenting excellence in everything they produce, emphasising the difference they are making, how their work is transforming the lives of their current customers, and how they can do the same for new customers.

  • Encourage greater valuations

Greater investor valuations may be stimulated by public relations efforts. Investors seeking a return on their capital want to invest in reputable, well-known brands with a strong reputation. It is crucial for companies to interact with interested parties on a regular basis while showcasing their fundamental values and expected future performance.

Positive news coverage and mentions are important indicators of brand image. At both the investment and selling stages, the ability to show a solid track record, industry interest, popular product placement, and consumer respect can be quite important in evaluating valuation.

  • Generate interest from investors

It is crucial for brands to have organic media coverage in their reputation bank because many angel investors and capital companies require it as a condition of their commitment to provide cash. B2B and B2C businesses can generate this press by collaborating with professional writers to position articles in reputable media, giving investors a selection of company-specific updates. This passion for public relations shows that a brand is able to invest in both its personal and professional image, has a grasp of the market, and is dedicated to long-term growth. For investors, these are all unmistakable signs that a business is headed in the right direction.

Is using public relations the only method to accomplish these vital company success goals? Without a doubt. Can it have an impact? Yes. And the decision to hire an in-house team or work with a fantastic agency should aid you in achieving these brand successes.

Media Shark is an leading PR agency for creating an amazing PR presence for you & your brand.


5 important tips to market the Web 3 project

  1. Paid marketing

Paid marketing is a tried-and-true method for businesses of all kinds, and crypto projects are no different. Making sure your project has a good mix of social media marketing (SMM) through keyword-based marketing, and paid ads through pay-per-mille (PPM) or pay-per-click (PPC), will go a long way towards helping your project reach its target audience.

Twitter, YouTube, and Google Search are excellent places to use paid marketing for crypto projects because there is a large, passionate base of crypto enthusiasts on each platform. This increases the likelihood of conversion.

  1. Influencer marketing or PR

   Influencer Marketing and PR is a modern marketing technique that was initially used by traditional businesses with intense caution. However, crypto projects were quick to catch up on this trend and went above and beyond.

    Hiring a set of digital media influencers and sending across a slew of PR articles on popular publications can help you reach out to your prospective audience easily. However, you need to be careful in choosing the right PR vehicles and influencers that resonate with your brand, in order to be successful.

Chasing after influencers with the largest followings won’t do you any good if they’re either bots or in a completely different industry. Instead, focus on choosing the right influencers for your specific needs. Micro-influencers are excellent for getting your brand’s voice out there in smaller but highly active communities, and they’re also more affordable.

  1. Get additional funding

While it may sound counterintuitive, getting additional funding can actually help your project in two ways. First, if the funding comes from a reputable VC investor, it can generate a lot of buzz for your project and help create a positive reputation for your project. Second, you’ll be able to use the new funds to help pay for marketing efforts that can help your project reach a wider audience more easily.

Getting funding for your project doesn’t always have to come from investors. There are plenty of other sources out there like Web3 grants which can help support your project and also put it in good standing with other respected crypto projects. Hackathons are another great way to get funding and also put your project in the spotlight where it might gain some more attention from people who are interested in what you’re working on.

  1. Virtual marketing

Word of mouth is one of the best ways to attract new customers and business to your brand. But unless you give people a reason to talk about your brand, they probably won’t. That’s where guerilla marketing comes in. With its unique and innovative techniques, guerilla marketing generates hype for your project, which leads to better results. Because as they say, curiosity drives adoption. In addition to Twitter, people are present on other networks like Reddit. So capturing these people through innovative campaigns is a great way to boost your growth.

Creating a campaign that both sounds unique and has unbelievable value can generate a lot of buzzes, but it’s important to be careful not to dilute your brand value or inflate the circulating token supply, which would lead to a drop in value.

  1. Active User Base of community

It takes more than just a large community to make a project successful – it needs to be a tight-knit group of supporters that are actively engaged in bettering the ecosystem. Having a high number of fans for your product or service does help build reputation and success, but if those members are inactive, it could reflect negatively on your brand. Regardless of the size of your community, quality is more important than quantity when it comes to ensuring a project’s success. 

      Growing the community and driving the adoption of your product or service is key to easily scaling up and expanding your business. Increasing the number of active users of your product or service will help you grow and achieve success more quickly.


Everything you need to know about Blockchain

What is a Blockchain? 

In the field of technology, people are hearing a lot about it. A Blockchain is a digital ledger that is shared among a group of computers. Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrencies. People tend to think that blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the same. But they are not. Blockchain technology is used in many other sectors and industries. It is used for storing information in a secure way. 

The information cannot be amended in any way, it also makes sure that the information is not hacked and used for scamming or spamming people. Many companies are using blockchain for recording transactions and tracking assets that can be tangible or intangible in a business network. 

Blockchain can also be used to facilitate identity management, smart contracts, supply chain analysis, Cryptocurrency, etc. It’s not controlled by any single person or authority but distributed among common people.

A Blockchain is simply a decentralized database that stores data in a secure way. Now let’s understand,

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control. 

Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Cryptocurrencies are often traded on decentralized exchanges and can also be used to purchase goods and services.

The majority of cryptocurrencies operate without a central banks or government support. Instead of relying on government guarantees, a decentralized technology called blockchain underpins the operation of cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies do not exist as a pile of bills or coins. Instead, they just live on the internet. Think of them as virtual tokens, whose value is determined by market forces created by those who want to buy or sell them.

Cryptocurrencies are formed by a process known as mining, which involves using the processing power of computers to solve complex mathematical problems in order to earn money. Users can also buy currency from brokers, which they can then store and spend using crypto wallets.

What are NFTs? 

 Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are digital assets that are stored on a blockchain and are distinguished from one another by unique identification codes and metadata.

NFTs differ from fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies in that they cannot be traded or exchanged for other assets of the same value. This is because each NFT is unique, unlike cryptocurrencies which are all identical to each other.

NFTs have a variety of applications, from serving as a digital collectible to representing ownership of a real-world asset, like a piece of art or a land deed.